Saturday, 31 December 2011

Of a nonlocal cause and its effects 2

Abstract [updated 3.01.2012]

A requirement of a ‘theory of everything’ could be that it should explain, in terms of cause and effect, how the universe is of a certain form as radiant energy, atoms and molecules of the elements and compounds of matter, species of living organisms, galaxies of stars and planetary systems, and groups, clusters and walls of galaxies around cosmic voids.  Also, given that the universe has expanded over some 13.7 billion years from a very small and dense ‘Big Bang’ origin, the theory should account for how this expansion and its measured acceleration occurred, and how the universe evolved into its form as astronomically observed.
    An experimentally testable, self-styled theory of everything that assumes only the action of the known forces, and would unify the four fundamental interactions or general relativity with quantum theory, has yet to be developed.  Whereas from the experimental evidence of quantum behaviour we find reasons to ask: to explain how matter can be and remain in all its various forms as atoms and molecules, would not a distinct additional cause to any force need to be described to explain quantum wave, spin and entanglement behaviour?  And if so, could the action of such a further cause explain the astronomical observations that have so far been accounted for by postulating yet to be directly detected or identified dark matter and energy?  Then also, might not problems of mind and consciousness be solved by considering how a distinct invisible cause could act upon living organisms in addition to the known forces?  From the evidence found of quantum behaviour alone, only various and conflicting interpretations have been developed to account for the observable experimental findings.  But one is the causal hidden variables interpretation de Broglie-Bohm, where the quantum wave is described in detail as a distinct cause from its effects upon quantum objects as particles in motion, and quantum wave behaviour  can be regarded as being of a certain universal form  that occurs independently of any known force
    Here we justify and develop a quantum hypothesis that introduces means of describing and visually representing unique properties of a cause where it would act with no measurable strength and without surrounding objects. Only with this hypothesis are we then able to find available larger scale evidence to clearly suggest that a detailed general theory can be developed. This theoretical account requires considering radiant energy, atoms and molecules and their subatomic components, living organisms and much that has been discovered by recent astronomical observation and research.  All this evidence thus needs to be examined together to find and sufficiently justify details of the cause to definitely show both that and how it acts anywhere in addition to the known forces.  This theoretical development thus indicates how causal properties deduced from our quantum hypothesis can be applied to all the evidence we examine.  We also describe new experiments that could be performed and further support the theory. 

Monday, 5 December 2011

The trouble with physics

What with the demise of string theory, as related by Lee Smolin in his book The Trouble with Physics, the evoking of the multiverse and anthropic principle in an attempt to explain the universe, the apparent need to postulate mysterious dark matter and energy, and the faster than light cosmic expansion in inflation theory to account for the universe on the large scale and the seeming impossibility of clearly relating anything in physics to the nature of mind or consciousness  (rather than the brain), the thought could be that there is something very fumdamental that is missing in our presengt scientific understanding of the cosmos.

Smolin himself concludes that the trouble is either to do with the foundations of quantum theory or an  understanding the nature of time, and Smolin plumps for the problem of time.  Whereas in more than twenty years attempting to develop a theory of a nonlocally acting cause I have found quite a lot of reasons to choose the foundations of quantum theory as the real problem. 

So while Smolin and the string theorists have attempted to develop a theory that unifies the four fundamental interactions or general relativity with quantum theory, the question can be asked:  What do general relativity and quantum theory by themselves actuaqlly explain of the natural world and why should any unification of these theories provide a theory of everying that explains anything more than what they explain already without unification.?

So from a reasonable causal determinate theory, rather than an unreasonable indeterminate acausal Copenhagen-type interpretation, upon which standard model quantum theory is based, it can be concluded that a suficient explanation of how matter is the way that it is would require details to be sufficiently justified and described of a nonlocal cause of quantum wave, spin and entanglement behaviour.  And this could  have been reasonably concluded from the work of Louis de Broglie who began developing his pilot wave theory in 1923 or some two years before any development of quantum mechanics.
Thus the recent thorough reseach of Guido Bacciagaluppi and Antony Valentini in their book Quantum Theory at the Crossroads demonstrates that by 1927 de Broglie's theory was better developed than the quantum mechanics at the time, and better than any previous historian has suggested, including especially Max Jammer.  And for  82 years prior to Quantum Theory at the Crossroads, the propaganda of the Copenhagenists, including Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, effectively hid the fact that de Broglie's 1927 Pilot Wave theory was a workable account that was developed to be consistent with many quantum experiments.  So that David Bohm's 1952 account was only needed to clear up a naumber of outstanding issues, including the idea assumed and promoted by the Copenhagen School that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle necessarily described facts about the hidden behaviour of quantum objects, rather than just a limitation of measurement imposed by the quantum wave property.  This limitation indicated by the fact thay the Uncertainty Principle is calculated from Planck's constant and thus the the quantum wave frequency.

So a reasonable conclusion can be that no unified theory of local forces could ever explain the nonlocality of quantum physics as now indicated by many experiments and the Bell test experiments of quantum entanglement in particular.  But rather,  a general theory needs to be developed from enough observable evidence to sufficiently justify and describe details of a nonlocally acting cause from its universal effects in additiopn to those of the known forces.

See below for an abstract for such a general theory

Monday, 14 November 2011

Of a nonlocal cause and its effects


A requirement of a ‘theory of everything’ could be that it should explain, in terms of cause and effect, how the universe is of a certain form as radiant energy, atoms and molecules of the elements and compounds of matter, the species of living organisms, the galaxies of stars and planetary systems, and groups, clusters and walls of galaxies around cosmic voids.  Also, given that the universe has expanded over some 13.7 billion years from a very small and dense ‘Big Bang’ origin, the theory should account for how this expansion and its measured acceleration occurred, and how the universe evolved into its presently observed form.
    An experimentally testable self-styled theory of everything that assumes just the action of the known forces, and that would include a unified account of the four fundamental interactions, has yet to be developed.  While from the experimental evidence of quantum behaviour we find reasons to ask: to explain how matter can be and remain in all its various forms as atoms and molecules, would not a distinct additional cause need to be described in enough detail to explain quantum wave, spin and entanglement behaviour? And if so, could there not also be such a further cause, rather than dark matter, that would explain the rotation of galaxies and their spiral forms, as well as their collective behaviour on larger scales?  Then also, might not problems of mind and consciousness be solved by considering that and how the experiencing subject could result from an invisible cause acting in addition to the forces?    But, when considered alone, only by interpreting the quantum evidence in a certain way can a further distinct cause be thought to act universally; although as so interpreted, the quantum wave property could be regarded as behaviour of matter and energy that is of a certain universal form.
    Here we find available evidence to suggest that a general theory can be developed of a cause that acts universally in addition to the known forces.  This theoretical account requires consideration of radiant energy, atoms and molecules and their subatomic components, living organisms and much that has been discovered by astronomical observation and research.  So that only by examining all this evidence together could details be found and sufficiently justified of the additional cause to definitely show both that and how it acts upon matter and energy.  Like the four fundamental interactions, this cause would act invisibly and so could only be described from its effects.  But here we justify and develop a quantum hypothesis that introduces means of describing and visually representing unique properties of a cause, and where it would act with no measurable strength and without surrounding object.  Then we find reasons to consider that these causal properties apply universally to all the evidence examined.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

A cosmic explanation

Scientific methods have found the universe to be of a certain organised form as radiant energy, the atoms and molecules of the elements and compounds of matter, the species of living organisms, galaxies of stars and planetary systems, groups, clusters and walls of galaxies around cosmic voids.
Now suppose there is something that scientists have missed that can be described to sufficiently explain how the universe is in this organised form.
So that, while physicists may conceive of theories that would unify the known fotrces,  only by considering evidence of all this natural organisation  of matter and energy together in one methodical account, could enough details be discovered and sufficiently justified and described of a further and quite distinct universal cause. And this would be a cause that invisibly acts in addition to the known forces so that the cosmos can be and remain in its naturally organised form as matter and energy.
Thus scientific methods have also found details that can be described of two forces that can be considered to act universally in a certain way.  One is the force of gravity that can be described to explain the weight, fall and orbital motion of objects on the large scale. But on the very large scale of galaxies and collections of galaxies it is found that the behaviour of the observable matter cannot be explained by the action of gravity as described from the smaller scale motion of objects,  although a similar anomaly has also been measured from space vehicles called Pioneer 10 and 11.
Scientists have postulated that there needs to be some invisible form of dark matter to explain the behaviour of galaxies.  But experiments carried out since 1987 have yet to direcly detect and identify such matter.  Also, dark matter cannot be described to explain how it is that so any galaxies are spiral in form, and there are problems in explaining the largest scale structure of galaxy walls and cosmic voids by postulating any form or forms of dark matter.
Then there is the problem of how to explain the measured acceleration in the expansion of the universe, which seems to require vast amounts of a just as mysterious and invisible form of dark energy. 

Another cosmological problem has arisen from the measurement of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).  For the CMB is regarded as the remnant energy that was released when the universe was aged about 300,000 years and when it first became atomic. Slight variations in the density of this radiation have been found, which can be regarded asevidence of the origin of the formation of galaxies snd larger scale structure.  But current theory predicts, that on the largest scale, this energy should be uniformly distributed.  Whereas a preferred overall direction or axis has been measured.    
While the action of gravity can be observed and measured from its effects as it surrounds objects on the astronomical scale, the electromagnetic (em) force has been measured from its effects on the very small scale where it can be described as surrounding the subatomic components of atoms and molecules called the electron and the atomic nucleus.  The em force is some forty orders of magnitude stronger than gravity as it attracts electrons toward s the nucleus and repels between electrons.
So, while it may well seem as though there is no other cause that couls affect the motion of electrons, the thought could be that it is not the action of em force, togther with the two forces that only act wihin the nucleus, that could alone explain the huge variety in the forms of matter as the elements and their compounds and the species of living organisms. 
One reason why the discovery of any further universal cause coild be missed by scientists is because the kinds of evidence that need to be examned together to discovr enough details of the cause are quite different from each other, and from each kind, when examind alone, no  cause need be thought to act in addition to the known forces. 

Also, the means of describing this cause in enough detail, which for the most part, could not be dscribed as actiing in any way by pushimg or pulling obejcts, would need to be quite unlike any methods used before, and a whole new cosmology needs to be conceived, justified and developed to replace the present standard model cosmology, which assumes only the action of the known forces.
Then another reason for missing this discovery would be that, most crucially, the experimental findings need to be considered of the unique behaviour of matter and the energy that matter radiates on the smallest scale.  So here there can be considered, on the one hand, the evidence that can be observed, detected and measured of the nature and behaviour of objects and, on the other hand, what cannot be observed, detected or measured by any means of these objects.